Tag Archives: candid family photographers

professional family photographer | Mooresville NC | sneak peek

I met this family 2 years ago at their little girl’s newborn session! We always have so much fun together when we take pictures. I mean seriously how cute is this?!? I think I smiled ear to ear when her mom said they we were planning to wear super hero capes. She actually made these, and makes them professionally for newborn photo shoots! In fact check out her daughter’s newborn session. I love that we revisited the theme for her 2 year pictures. So much fun! professional -family -photographer -mooresville -nc (7 of 18)professional -family -photographer -mooresville -nc (8 of 18)professional -family -photographer -mooresville -nc (11 of 18)professional -family -photographer -mooresville -nc (12 of 18)professional -family -photographer -mooresville -nc (13 of 18)professional -family -photographer -mooresville -nc (14 of 18)professional -family -photographer -mooresville -nc (15 of 18)professional -family -photographer -mooresville -nc (16 of 18)professional -family -photographer -mooresville -nc (17 of 18)professional -family -photographer -mooresville -nc (18 of 18)

professional family photographer chelsea homesley

Chelsea Homesley Photography
serves Charlotte and the surrounding areas

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