Tag Archives: woodmill winery

Woodmill Winery Wedding | Anna-Drake + Daniel

This sweet southern wedding was nestled perfectly in the small town of Vale, NC at the Wood Mill Winery. The early Spring weather was cool, the skies were blue, and nothing could have made this a more perfect day for Daniel and Anna-Drake. Deep yellow and navy blue filled the venue from the flowers to the bridal party attire. I love how Anna used colors for the wedding that are naturally found around the vineyard. The tone of the day was warm and inviting. Family and friends were sure to be welcomed with a smile and a hug. Most certainly if you were at the party you were considered family to this couple.

As always the day started with makeup and hair. The room was full of Anna Drake’s best friends laughing and chatting and doing makeup. Fun stuff! A special thanks to Jennifer Worcester from The Cotton Gin for Anna’s amazing updo! Once everyone was dressed we cleared the room for a special moment between Anna and Daniel to exchange gifts.  I so love that they took time to create this special moment! I even cried, as did the rest of the family! After everyone wiped eyes and pulled ourselves together we headed to the gorgeous outdoors for some fun bridal party shots! My amazing second shooter Abby Fleming took the guys while I worked with the ladies. These are always fun for me. I love the energy and pre-wedding excitement that always sets the stage and tone for these pictures.  After many clicks of the camera is was time for a wedding!! We were careful to sneak Anna back to her room without the groom seeing her. Once everyone was back inside it was time for the most important part of the day, the I-dos! The ceremony was so sweet! I loved every moment, but one particular that stands out was the tying of the two ropes. It was such a beautiful picture of their binding commitment to one another. It will serve as such a sweet reminder of the strength of their love and of the binding of their hearts. “tear”

Like every good wedding goes, it was now time to party! This group certainly knows how to throw one! The party carried well into the night with dancing, toasts, cake x2, and more dancing! When a wedding has 2 cakes you know you are at the right party! How adorable is it that they had a Titans cake? So cute. After two healthy servings for everyone, and the tossing of both bouquet and garter, it was time for the love birds to set off to their honeymoon. A tradition of the family is to send their newly weds off with a farewell and a wave of their handkerchiefs. I think everyone did this perfectly. Farewell to the most sweet and loving couple! May you two forever find love and happiness in one another. Farewell.

-Chelsea H


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Venue : Wood Mill Winery, Vale NC

Bride’s Dress is from: Poffie Girls

Cake, flowers, decorating was by: Jo’s Florist

DJ: Ty Oliver

Second Photographer: Abby Moore


bridal portraits | Chelsea Homesley Photography

EEK! I can finally show these bridal portraits! I had such a wonderful time photographing Anna’s wedding this past Saturday at Woodmill Winery! Her and her new husband Daniel are just the sweetest couple you could ever meet! It has been so so hard for me not to share these pictures from our bridal portrait session together at Woodmill Winery! Anna was just gorgeous in her dress! I am so happy I was able to take these bridal portraits for her! I feel like I have known her and her family for years. It is always such a pleasure to work with her. I seriously can not wait to share images from their wedding day! Her wedding at Woodmill Winery was absolutely stunning! Be on the look out for images from the wedding day to come to the blog soon! 2014-04-28_0004.jpg2014-04-28_0003.jpg2014-04-28_0005.jpg2014-04-28_00062014-04-28_00072014-04-28_00082014-04-28_00092014-04-28_00112014-04-28_00122014-04-28_00132014-04-28_00142014-04-28_00152014-04-28_0016

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Chelsea Homesley Photography
serves Charlotte and the surrounding areas

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